

孫春在 Chuen-Tsai Sun

工程三館 241 室
(03) 571-2121 #31972




電子資訊大樓 718、719 室
(03) 571-2121 #59285


一、 專書(Books)

  1. 孫春在. (2013). 遊戲式數位學習, 高等教育出版社, 台北, ISBN: 978-986-266-057-7.
  2. 孫春在, 林珊如. (2007). 網路合作學習:數位時代的互動學習環境、教學與評量, 352頁, 心理出版社, 台北, ISBN: 978-986-191-009-3.
  3. Jang, J.S., Sun, C.T. and Mizutani, E. (1996). Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing -A Computational Approach to Learning and Machine Intelligence, 610 pages, Prentice Hall, Inc., ISBN: 0132610663.
  4. 孫春在. (1985). 清末的公羊思想, 台灣商務印書館, 台北.[全文下載]

二、 專章(Articles in Collections)

  1. Lin, H. and Sun, C.T. (2015). Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs), in Robin Mansell, Peng Hwa Ang, Charles Steinfield, Shenja van der Graaf (eds.), International Encyclopedia of Digital Communication and Society, Wiley Blackwell Press, 1-7. ISBN-13: 978-1118290743 ISBN-10: 1118290747.[全文下載]

  2. Sun, C.T. & Hsu, S.Y. (2013). Task Deployment in Three Types of Game Spatial Structures, Marios C. Angelides, Harry Agius (eds.), The Handbook of Digital Games. Wiley-IEEE Press, ISBN: 978-1-1183-2803-3.

  3. Lin, H. and Sun, C.T. (2011). Thrift Players in a Twisted Game World?—A Study on Private Online Game Servers, pp.60-72, in Garry Crawford, Victoria K Gosling, Ben Light (eds.), Online Gaming in Context: The social and cultural significance of online games. New York: Routledge.

  4. Lin, H. and Sun, C.T. (2009). Managing Risks in Online Game Worlds: Networking Strategies among Taiwanese Adolescent Players, pp.237-250, in Larissa Hjorth and Dean Chan (eds.), Gaming Cultures and Place in the Asia-Pacific. New York: Routledge.

  5. Weng, Y.H., Chen, C.H. and Sun, C.T. (2008). Safety Intelligence and Legal Machine Language: Do we need the Three Laws of Robotics? pp.195-214, in Yoshihiko Takahashi (Ed.) Service Robot Applications. Vienna: I-TECH Education and Publishing KG, ISBN 978-953-7619-00-8.

  6. Lin, H. and Sun, C.T. (2007). ‘White-eyed’ and ‘Griefer’ Player Culture: Grief Play and Deviance Construction in MMORPGs, pp. 103~114, in Suzanne de Castell and Jennifer Jenson (eds.), Worlds in Play: International Perspectives on Digital Games Research. NY: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc, ISBN 978-0820486437.

  7. Lin, H. and Sun, C.T. (2007). Grief Players: Les Empêcheurs de Jouer en Rond—La constructionde la norme et la déviance dans les jeux en ligne” (Frank Beau, Trans.), pp. 69~73, in Culture d’Univers : Jeux en réseau, mondes virtuels, le nouvel âge de la société numérique, ed. by Frank Beau et al. FYP Éditions: Limoges, France. ISBN 978-2916571027. (in French)

  8. Lin, H. and Sun, C.T. (2005). The ‘White-Eyed’ Player Culture: Grief Play and Construction of Deviance in MMORPGs, in Suzanne de Castell and Jennifer Jenson (eds.), Changing Views: Worlds in Play—Selected papers of the 2005 Digital Games Research Association’s Second International Conference, pp. 91~100, published by DiGRA, Digital Games Research Association.

  9. Sun, C.T. and Chiu, H.J. (1998). Evolutionary Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling, in Fuzzy Theory Systems Techniques and Applications, C.T. Leondes (Eds.), Academic Press.

  10. Sun, C.T. and Jang, J.S. (1996). Fuzzy Classification Based on Adaptive Networks and Genetic Algorithms, in GENETIC ALGORITHMS AND FUZZY LOGIC SYSTEMS: Soft Computing Perspectives, Elie Sanchez, Takanori Shibata and Lotfi A. Zadeh (Eds.), World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong.

三、 期刊論文(Journal Papers)

  1. Chen L.X. *, Sun, C. T. (2016). Self-regulation influence on game play flow state. Computers in Human Behavior, 54, 341–350 (SSCI, IF: 2.067, Rank: 30/83 [36%] in Psychology, Experimental)[全文下載]
  2. Wang, H., Yang, H.-T. & Sun, C.-T.(2015), “Thinking Style and Team Competition Game Performance and Enjoyment,” in Computational Intelligence and AI in Games, IEEE Transactions on , vol.7, no.3, pp.243-254. (SCI, IF: 1.481, Rank: 25/104 [24%] in Computer Science, Software Engineering) [全文下載]
  3. Lei, P. L., Sun, C. T., Lin, S. S., & Huang, T. K. (2015). Effect of metacognitive strategies and verbal-imagery cognitive style on biology-based video search and learning performance. Computers & Education87, 326-339. (SSCI, IF: 2.775, Rank: 7/219 [3.2%] in Education & Educational Research) [全文下載]
  4. Fu, Y. H., Huang, C. Y., & Sun, C. T. (2015). Using global diversity and local topology features to identify influential network spreaders. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications433, 344-355. (SCI, IF: 1.676, Rank: 28/83 [34%] in Physics, Multidisciplinary) [全文下載]
  5. Sun, C. T., Ye, S. H., & Wang, Y. J. (2015). Effects of Commercial Video Games on Cognitive Elaboration of Physical Concepts. Computers & Education, 88, 169–181. (SSCI, IF: 2.775, Rank: 7/219 [3.2%] in Education & Educational Research) [全文下載]
  6. Fu, Y. H., Huang, C. Y., & Sun, C. T. (2014). Identifying super-spreader nodes in complex networks. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. [全文下載]
  7. Sun, C. T., Ye, S. H., & Hsieh, H. C. (2014). Effects of student characteristics and question design on Internet search results usage in a Taiwanese classroom.Computers & Education77, 134-144.   (SSCI, IF: 2.775, Rank: 7/219 [3.2%] in Education & Educational Research) [全文下載]
  8. Sun, C.T., Wang, D.Y.* & Chang, Y.Y. (2013). Effects of Thinking Style on Design Strategies: Using Bridge Construction Simulation Programs. Educational Technology & Society, 16(1), 309-320. (SSCI, IF: 1.171, Rank: 46/219 [21%] in Education & Educational Research)[全文下載]
  9. Lei, P. L., Lin, S. S. J., & Sun, C. T. (2013). Effect of Reading Ability and Internet Experience on Keyword-based Image Search. Educational Technology & Society, 16(2), 151-162. (SSCI, IF: 1.171, Rank: 46/219 [21%] in Education & Educational Research)[全文下載]
  10. Wang, D. Y., Lee, M. H., & Sun, C. T. (2013). Effects of Thinking Style and Spatial Ability on Anchoring Behavior in Geographic Information Systems. Educational Technology & Society, 16(3), 1-13. (SSCI, IF: 1.171, Rank: 46/219 [21%] in Education & Educational Research) [全文下載]
  11. Lei, P. L., Lin, S. S. J., Wang, D. Y., & Sun, C. T. (2013). The Design of Social Agents That Introduce Self-reflection in a Simulation Environment. Educational Technology & Society, 16(3), 152-166. (SSCI, IF: 1.171, Rank: 46/219 [21%] in Education & Educational Research)[全文下載]
  12. Huang, C.Y., Lee, C.L., Wen, T.H., & Sun, C.T. (2013). A Computer Virus Spreading Model Based on Resource Limitations and Interaction Costs. Journal of Systems and Software, 86(3), 801-808. (SCI, IF: 1.135, Rank: 41/105 [39%] in Computer Science, Software Engineering) [全文下載]
  13. Wang, S.W., Huang, C.Y.*, & Sun, C.T. (minor revision) Modeling Self-perception Agents in an Opinion Dynamics Propagation Society. Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International. (Minor Revisions at 2013.07.16, SCI, IF: 0.692, Rank: 78/100 [78%] in Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications)
  14. Huang, C.Y. & Sun, C.T. (2012). Effect of Resource Limitation and Cost Influences on Computer Virus Epidemic Dynamics and Tipping Points. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, vol. 2012, Article ID 473136, 15 pages. doi:10.1155/2012/473136. (SCI, IF: 0.820, Rank: 59/93 [63%] in Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications) [全文下載]
  15. Sun, C.T., Wang, D.Y.* & Chan, H.L. (2011). How digital scaffolds in games direct problem-solving behaviors. Computers & Education, 57(3), 2118-2125. (SSCI, IF: 2.775, Rank: 7/219 [3.2%] in Education & Educational Research)[全文下載]
  16. Lin, H. and Sun, C.T.* (2011). The Role of Onlookers in Arcade Gaming: Frame Analysis of Public Behaviours. Convergence, 17(2), 125-138.[全文下載]
  17. Lin, H. and Sun, C.T.* (2011). Cash Trade in Free-to-Play Online Games. Games and Culture, 6(3), 271-288.( IF: 0.714, Ranking: 39/72[54%] in Communication)[全文下載]
  18. Huang, C.Y., Tzou, P.J., & Sun, C.T. (2011). Collective Opinion and Attitude Dynamics Dependency on Informational and Normative Social Influences. Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, 87(10), 875-892. (SCI, IF: 0.692, Rank: 78/100 [78%] in Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications)[全文下載]
  19. Huang, C.Y., Wang, S.W. & Sun, C.T. (2010) Using Self-Aware Agents to Analyze Public Self-Consciousness in the Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma. Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International. Online First, published on Dec. 9, 2010 as doi: 10.1177/0037549710391822. (SCI, IF: 0.692, Rank: 78/100 [78%] in Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications) [全文下載]
  20. Tsai, Y.S., Huang, C.Y., Wen, T.H., Sun C.T. & Yen, M.Y. (2010) Integrating Epidemic Dynamics with Daily Commuting Networks: Building a Multilayer Framework to Assess Influenza A (H1N1) Intervention Policies. Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, 86(10). Online First, published on Sep. 7, 2010 as doi:10.1177/0037549710379481. (SCI, IF: 0.692, Rank: 78/100 [78%] in Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications) [全文下載]
  21. Tsai, Y.S., Huang, C.Y.*, & Sun, C.T. (2010). Response to Wilson’s Note on “Influences of Resource Limitations and Transmission Costs on Epidemic Simulations and Critical Thresholds in Scale-Free Networks”. Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International. 87(3), 267-270. (SCI, IF: 0.692, Rank: 78/100 [78%] in Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications)
  22. Huang C.Y. and Tsai Y.S., and Sun C.T. (2010) Effects of Friend-Making Resources/Costs and Remembering on Acquaintance Networks. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 389(3), 604-622. (SCI, IF: 1.676, Rank: 28/83 [34%] in Physics, Multidisciplinary)
  23. Lei, P.L., Kao, G.Y.M.*, Lin, S.S.J., & Sun, C.T. (2009). Impacts of Geographical Knowledge, Spatial Ability and Environmental Cognition on Image Searches Supported by GIS Software. Computers in Human Behavior, 25(6), 1270-1279. (SSCI, IF: 2.067, Rank: 30/83 [36%] in Psychology, Experimental)[全文下載]
  24. Weng, Y.H., Chen, C.H. and Sun, C.T. (2009). Toward the Human–Robot Co-Existence Society: On Safety Intelligence for Next Generation Robots. International Journal of Social Robotics, 1(4), 267-282.
  25. Kao, G.Y.M.*, Chen, K.C., & Sun, C.T. (2009). Using an e-learning system with integrated concept maps to improve conceptual understanding. International Journal of Instructional Media.
  26. Huang, C.Y., Tsai, Y.S., Sun, C.T., Hsieh, J.L., & Cheng, C.Y. (2009) Influences of Resource Limitations and Transmission Costs on Epidemic Simulation and Critical Thresholds in Scale-Free Networks. Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, 85(3), 205-219. (SCI, IF: 0.692, Rank: 78/100 [78%] in Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications)
  27. Hsieh, J.L., Huang, C.Y., Sun, C.T., Tsai, Y.S. and Kao, G.Y.M. (2009). Learning to Build Network-Oriented Epidemic Simulation Models in Epidemiology Education. International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, 5(1), 31-41. (EI)
  28. Kao, G.Y.M.*, Lin, S.S.J., & Sun, C.T. (2008). Breaking concept boundaries to enhance creative potential: Using integrated concept maps for conceptual self-awareness. Computers & Education, 51(4), 1718-1728. (SSCI, IF: 2.775, Rank: 7/219 [3.2%] in Education & Educational Research)[全文下載]
  29. Kao, G.Y.M.*, Lei, P.L., & Sun, C.T. (2008). Thinking style impacts on Web search strategies. Computers in Human Behavior, 24(4), 1330-1341. (SSCI, IF: 2.067, Rank: 30/83 [36%] in Psychology, Experimental)[全文下載]
  30. Kao, G.Y.M.*, Lin, S.S.J., & Sun, C.T. (2008). Beyond sharing: Engaging students in cooperative and competitive active learning. Educational Technology & Society, 11(3), 82-96. (SSCI, IF: 1.171, Rank: 46/219 [21%] in Education & Educational Research)[全文下載]
  31. Chen, C.H., Sun, C.T. and Hsieh, J.L. (2008). Player Guild Dynamics and Evolution in Massively Multiplayer Online Games. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 11(3), 293-301. (SSCI, IF: 1.842, Rank: 17/60 [28%] in Psychology, Social)[全文下載]
  32. Cheng, C.Y., Huang, C.Y. and Sun, C.T. (2008). Mining Bridge and Brick Motifs from Complex Biological Networks for Functionally and Statistically Significant Discovery. IEEE Transactions on System, Man, and Cybernetics—Part B: Cybernetics. Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 17-24. (SCI, IF: 3.236, Rank: 12/115 [10%] in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence)[全文下載]
  33. Huang, C.Y., Cheng, C.Y. and Sun, C.T. (2008). Resource and Remembering Influences on Acquaintance NetworksLecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), 4953, 281-291. (SCIE, IF: 0.302, Rank: 70/79 [89%] in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, EI, NSC-96-2221-E-182-041)
  34. Huang, C.Y., Cheng, C.Y. and Sun, C.T. (2008). Resource Limitations, Transmission Costs and Critical Thresholds in Scale-Free NetworksLecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), 4953, 485-494. (SCIE, IF: 0.302, Rank: 70/79 [89%] in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, EI, NSC-96-2221-E-182-041 and CMRPD260021)
  35. Hsieh, J.L., Sun, C.T., Kao, Y.M.G. and Huang, C.Y. (2007). Teaching through Simulation: Epidemic Dynamics and Public Health Policies. Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, 82(11), 731-759. (SCI, IF: 0.692, Rank: 78/100 [78%] in Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications). (NSC94-2520-S-009-002)[全文下載]
  36. Huang, C.Y., Cheng, C.Y. and Sun, C.T. (2007). Bridge and Brick Network Motifs: Identifying Significant Building Blocks from Complex Biological Systems. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. 41(2), 117-127. (SCI, IF: 1.355, Rank: 17/23 [73%] in Medical Informatics)[全文下載]
  37. Huang, C.Y., Sun, C.T., Cheng, C.Y. and Hsieh, J.L. (2007). Bridge and Brick Motifs in Complex Networks. Physica A, 377(1), 340-350. (SCI, IF: 1.676, Rank: 28/83 [34%] in Physics, Multidisciplinary).
  38. Wang, D.Y.*, Lin, S.S.J. and Sun, C.T. (2007). DIANA: A Computer-Supported Heterogeneous Grouping System for Teachers to Conduct Successful Small Learning Groups. Computers in Human Behavior, 23(4), 1997-2010. (SSCI, IF: 2.067, Rank: 30/83 [36%] in Psychology, Experimental) (NSC91-2520-S-009-001)[全文下載]
  39. Sun, C.T., Hsieh, J.L. and Huang, C.Y. (2007). Using Evolving agents to Critique Subjective Music Compositions. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), 4456, 336-346. (SCIE, IF: 0.302, Rank: 70/79 [89%] in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, EI)
  40. Hsieh, C.H. and Sun, C.T. (2007). Robots in Educational MUDs: Instructional Roles and Functions. International Journal of Instructional Media, 34(1). (NSC92-2520-S-009-002)
  41. Huang, C.Y., Sun, C.T. and Shih, F.M. (2006). Mining Domain Ontological Information from Online Publications. Journal of Internet Commerce. (Special Issue on Emerging E-Business and E-Government, IEE)
  42. Huang, C.Y., Hsieh, J.L. and Sun, C.T. (2006). Evaluating Subjective Compositions by the Cooperation between Human and Adaptive Agents. Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences (LNCS), 4293, 974-984. (SCI, IF:0.513, Rank: 53/70 [75%] in Computer Science, Theory and Methods)
  43. Sun, C.T., Lin, H. and Ho, C.H. (2006). Sharing Tips with Strangers: Exploiting Gift Culture in Computer Gaming. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 9(5), 560-570. (SSCI, IF: 1.842, Rank: 17/60 [28%] in Psychology, Social) (NSC92-2520-S-009-001)[全文下載]
  44. Huang, C.Y., Sun, C.T. and Shih, F.M. (2006). Mining Domain Ontological Information from Online Publications. Journal of Internet Commerce.
  45. Hsieh, C.H. and Sun, C.T. (2006). MUD for Learning: Typology and Instruction. International Journal of Instructional Media, 33(3). (NSC92-2520-S-009-002)
  46. Huang, C.Y., Sun, C.T., Hsieh, J.L., Chen, Y.M.A. and Lin, H. (2005). A Novel Small-World Model: Using Social Mirror Identities for Epidemic Simulations. Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, 81(10), 671-699. (SCI, IF: 0.692, Rank: 78/100 [78%] in Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications). (NSC93-2520-S-009-003)[全文下載]
  47. Huang, C.Y., Sun, C.T. and Lin, H.C. (2005). Influence of Local Information on Social Simulation in Small-World Network Models. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 8(4). (SSCI, IF: 0.713, Rank: 40/92 [43%] in Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary) (NSC92-2524-S-009-004)[全文下載]
  48. Wu H.C. and Sun, C.T. (2005). What Should We Do Before Running a Social Simulation? The Importance of Model Analysis. Social Science Computer Review, 23, 221-234. (SSCI, IF: 1.303, Rank: 24/85 [28%] in Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary)[全文下載]
  49. Huang, C.Y., Sun C.T., Hsieh J.L. and Lin, H. (2004). Simulating SARS: Small-World Epidemiological Modeling and Public Health Policy Assessments. Journal of Artificial Society and Social Simulation, 7(4). (SSCI, IF: 0.713, Rank: 40/92 [43%] in Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary)[全文下載]
  50. Huang, C.Y. and Sun, C.T. (2004). Parameter Adaptation within Co-adaptive Learning Classifier Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences (LNCS), 3103, 774-784. (SCI, IF:0.513, Rank: 53/70 in Computer Science, Theory and Methods)
  51. Wu, H.C., Sun, C.T. and Lee, S.S. (2004). Visualization of Evolutionary Computation Processes from a Population Perspective. Intelligent Data Analysis, 8(6), 543-561.(IF: 0.472,Rank:98/115[85%] in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence)[全文下載]
  52. Sun, C.T. and Lin, S.S.J. (2004). CORAL-View: A Network-based Design Environment for Collaborative Learning. International Journal of Instructional Media, 31(2), 151-166. (NSC90-2511-S-009-005)
  53. Chu, Y.W. and Sun, C.T. (2004). Problem-based Approach for Bioinformatics. International Journal of Instructional Media, Vol. 34, No. 4. (NSC92-2520-S-009-002)
  54. Sun, C.T. (2004). Models for Network-based Engineering Education: Taiwan’s Experience. International Journal of Engineering Education. (NSC88-2520-S-009-004)(IF: 0.290, Rank: 31/34[91%] in Education, Scientific Disciplines)
  55. Wu, H.C. and Sun, C.T. (2004). Comments on “A Computational Evolutionary Approach to Evolving Game Strategies and Cooperation”. IEEE Transaction on System, Man and Cybernetics, part B: Cybernetics, Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 1569-1572. (SCI, IF: 3.236, Rank: 12/115 [10%] in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence)[全文下載]
  56. Wu, H.C. and Sun, C.T. (2004). An Analytical Framework for the Prisoner’s Dilemma: Finite State Machine Representation for Interactions between Deterministic Strategies. Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics.
  57. Lin, H. and Sun, C.T. (2003). Problems in Simulating Social Reality: Observations on a MUD Construction. Simulation & Gaming, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 69-88. (NSC91-2412-H-002-004)[全文下載]
  58. Shu, S.F., Pan, C.L. and Sun, C.T. (2003). Population-split Genetic Algorithm for retrieval of ultrafast laser parameters. International Journal of Neural, Parallel & Scientific Computations, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 207-220.
  59. Wu, M.D., Liao, Y.H. and Sun, C.T. (2003). Network Tournament Pedagogical Approach Involving Game Playing in Artificial Intelligence. Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 589-603. (NSC89-2511-S-009-024) (SCI, IF: 0.299, Rank: 121/132 [91%] in Computer Science, Information Systems)[全文下載]
  60. Lin, S.S.J., Sun, C.T., and Kao, G. (2002). Designing a Networked-Sharing Construction Environment. British Journal of Educational Technology, Vol. 33, No. 4, pp. 489-492. (SSCI, IF: 1.313, Rank: 37/219 [17%] in Education & Educational Research) (NSC90-2511-S-009-005)[全文下載]
  61. Sun, C.T. (2002). Learning by Judging: A Network Learning Environment Based on Peer Evaluation. International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Lifelong Learning, Vol. 12, No. 1-4, pp. 149-158. (NSC88-2520-S-009-004)[全文下載]
  62. Wei, J.D. and Sun, C.T. (2002). Simulation of Hysteresis Systems Using Piecewise Polynomial Function. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 9, No. 7. (SCI, IF: 1.674, Rank: 72/243 [30%] in Engineering, Electrical & Electronic)
  63. Wei, J.D. and Sun, C.T. (2002). Varying Appearance Speed Problem in System Modeling and a Solution via Rate Independent Memory. IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Vol. E85-A, No. 5, pp. 1119-1128. (SCI, IF: 0.336, Rank: 158/208 [75%] in Engineering, Electrical & Electronic)
  64. Wu, M.D. and Sun, C.T. (2002). Fuzzy Modeling Employing Fuzzy Polyploidy Genetic Algorithms. Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 163-186. (SCI, IF: 0.299, Rank: 121/132 [91%] in Computer Science, Information Systems)
  65. Wu, M.D. and Sun, C.T. (2001). Comments on ‘Constraining the Optimization of a Fuzzy Logic Controller’. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics—Part B: Cybernetics, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp. 603-606. (SCI, IF: 3.236, Rank: 12/115 [10%] in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence)
  66. Liao, Y.H. and Sun, C.T. (2001). An Educational Genetic Algorithms Learning Tool. IEEE Transactions on Education, Vol. 40, No. 2, CD-ROM. (SCI, IF: 0.950, Rank: 138/243 [57%] in Engineering, Electrical & Electronic) (NSC88-2520-S-009-002)[全文下載]
  67. Wei, J.D. and Sun, C.T. (2000). Constructing Hysteretic Memory in Neural Networks. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics—Part B: Cybernetics, Vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 601-610. (SCI, IF: 3.236, Rank: 12/115 [10%] in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence)
  68. Sun, C.T. (2000). Learning by Judging: A Network Learning Environment Based on Peer Evaluation. Journal of Interactive Learning Research, Vol. 11, No. 3/4, pp. 355-366. (NSC86-2511-S-009-004ICL)
  69. Chou, C., Lin, H. and Sun, C.T. (1999). Navigation Maps in Hierarchical-Structured Hypertext Courseware. International Journal of Instructional Media, Vol. 27, No. 2. (NSC85-2511-S-009-009CL)
  70. Sun, C.T., Chou, C. and Lin, B.K. (1998). Structural and Navigational Analysis of Hypermedia Courseware. IEEE Transactions on Education, Vol. 41, No. 4, CD-ROM, November. (NSC86-2511-S-009-003ICL) (SCI, IF: 0.950, Rank: 138/243 [57%] in Engineering, Electrical & Electronic)[全文下載]
  71. Sun, C.T. and Chou, C. (1996). Experiencing CORAL: Design and Implementation of Distant Cooperative Learning. IEEE Transactions on Education, Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 357-366. (NSC84-2511-s-009-003CL) (SCI, IF: 0.950, Rank: 138/243 [57%] in Engineering, Electrical & Electronic)[全文下載]
  72. Chou, C. and Sun, C.T. (1996). Constructing a Cooperative Distance Learning Environment: The CORAL Experience. Educational Technology: Research and Development, Vol. 44, No. 4, pp. 71-84. (NSC84-2511-s-009-003CL) (SSCI)
  73. Chou, C. and Sun, C.T. (1996). A Computer Network-Supported Cooperative Distance Learning System for Professional Communication Education. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, Vol. 39, No. 4, pp. 205-214. (NSC84-2511-s-009-003CL) (SCI)[全文下載]
  74. Sun, C.T. and Ching, Y.T. (1995). Hypermedia Browsing Pattern Analysis. International Journal of Educational Telecommunications, Vol. 1, No 2/3, pp. 293-308. (NSC84-2511-s-009-009CL)[全文下載]
  75. Jang, J.S. and Sun, C.T. (1994). Neuro-Fuzzy Modeling and Control. Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 83, No. 3, pp. 378-406, 1995. (SCI,IF: 6.911, Rank: 2/243 [0.8%] in Engineering, Electrical & Electronic)[全文下載]
  76. Sun, C.T. (1999). Rule-Base Structure Identification in an Adaptive-Network-Based Fuzzy Inference System. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 64-73. (SCI,IF: 5.484, Rank: 3/243 [1.2%] in Engineering, Electrical & Electronic)[全文下載]
  77. Jang, J.S. and Sun, C.T. (1993). Functional Equivalence Between Radial Basis Function Networks and Fuzzy Inference Systems. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 156-159. (SCI,IF: 3.766, Rank: 8/115 [6.9%] in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence)
  78. Hong. W. and Sun, C.T. (1991). Protective Device Coordination Expert System. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 359-365. (SCI,IF: 1.519, Rank: 83/243 [34%] in Engineering, Electrical & Electronic)
  79. 孫春在。 社區大學的實踐意義(邀稿)。師友月刊。第395期,頁15-19。2000。
  80. 孫春在。 電腦網路遠距教學之現況與發展(邀稿)。電子月刊。第44期,頁92-96。1999。
  81. 孫春在、朱俊豪。 全球資訊網上的超媒體知識建構(邀稿)。教學科技與媒體。1997。
  82. 孫春在。 遠距教學策略:「遠距合作設計」簡介(邀稿)。遠距教育。1997。
  83. 孫春在、吳明達、楊淑明。 演化式計算在模糊系統設計上的應用。 模糊系統學刊。第三卷,第一期,頁11-21。1996。
  84. 周倩、孫春在。 遠距合作學習環境之設計與建立:CORAL經驗。 教學科技與媒體。 第二十六期,頁13-21。1996。
  85. 孫春在。 超媒體網路與遠距合作式電腦輔助學習。 教學科技與媒體。 第二十一期,頁29─37。1995。

四、 研討會論文(Conference Papers)

  1. Fu, Y. H., Huang, C. Y., & Sun, C. T. (2015, May). Selecting multiple network spreaders based on community structure using two-phase evolutionary framework. In Evolutionary Computation (CEC), 2015 IEEE Congress on (pp. 2482-2489). IEEE. [全文下載]
  2. Huang, C. Y., Fu, Y. H., & Sun, C. T. (2014, December). Identify Influential Social Network Spreaders. In Data Mining Workshop (ICDMW), 2014 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 562-568). IEEE. [全文下載]
  3. H. Lin & C.T. Sun. “Resist the Dictatorship of Malygos on Coldarra Island!”–Evidence of MMOG Culture in Taiwan’s Sunflower Social Movement. Games and Society Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, November 11-15, 2014.
  4. Fu, Y. H., Huang, C. Y., & Sun, C. T. (2014, August). Using global diversity and local features to identify influential social network spreaders. In Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), 2014 IEEE/ACM International Conference on (pp. 948-953). IEEE. [全文下載]
  5. C.T. Sun. & H. Lin. The Effect of Scaffolding Mechanism in Puzzle Games on Player/Learner Behavior. The Second European Conference on Technology in the Classroom, Brighton, United Kingdom, July 9-13, 2014.
  6. H. Wong, Y.W. Wang, & C.T. Sun. (2012). Rating logic puzzle difficulty automatically in a human perspective. Proceedings of DiGRA Nordic 2012 Conference: Local and Global–Games in Culture and Society. [全文下載]
  7. S.Y. Hsu, Y.H. Huang & C.T. Sun. Main(s) and Alts: Multiple Character Management in World of Warcraft. Proceedings of 2012 DiGRA Nordic, Tampere, Finland, 2012. [全文下載]
  8. H. Lin & C.T. Sun. A Cyber Diaspora in Game World: Contact Experience and Identity Negotiation among Chinese and Local Players on Taiwanese World of Warcraft Servers. Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA) Conference, Utrecht, NL, September, 2011.[全文下載]
  9. H. Wang & C.T. Sun. Game Reward Systems: Gaming Experiences and Social Meanings. Paper accepted by the Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA) Conference, to be held at Utrecht, NL, September, 2011.[全文下載]
  10. H. Lin & C.T. Sun. Thrift Players in a Twisted Game World?—A Study on Private Online Game Servers. Paper presented on the Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA) Conference, London, UK, 1-4 September, 2009.
  11. P.L. Lei, G.Y.M. Kao, H.C. Lin, S.S.J. Lin, and C.T. Sun. Impacts of Geographic Knowledge, Spatial Ability and Environmental Cognition on Image Searches Supported by Google Earth. Paper presented on the 11th European Congress of Psychology, Oslo, Norway, 7 – 10 July, 2009.
  12. S.W. Wang, C.T. Sun, C.Y. Huang. A Study of Agents with Self-awareness for Collaborative Behavior. In Proceedings of 14th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence (EPIA’09), Aveiro, Portugal, 2009.
  13. C.Y. Huang, Y.S. Tsai, and C.T. Sun. Effects of Resource and Remembering on Social Networks. In Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS’09), Budapest, Hungary, 837-842, 2009.
  14. Y.S. Tsai, C.T. Sun, and C.Y. Huang. Epidemic Dynamics and Thresholds in Agent-Based Simulations under Realistic Resources and Cost Conditions. In Proceedings of IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT’08), Sydney, Australia, 65-70, 2008.
  15. C.Y. Huang, C.T. Sun, C.Y. Cheng, and Y.S. Tsai. Resource, Costs and Epidemic Critical Thresholds in Scale-Free Social Networks. In Proceedings of IEEE 7th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA’08), Chongging, China, 1874-1879, 2008.
  16. H, Lin, and C.T. Sun. Invisible Gameplay Participants: The Role of Onlookers in Arcade Gaming. Paper presented on the Under the Mask Conference, Luton, UK, June, 2008.
  17. J.L. Hsieh, and C.T. Sun. Building a Player Strategy Model by Analyzing Replay of Real-Time Strategy Games, in IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Hong Kong, 2008. [全文下載]
  18. J.L. Hsieh, C.H. Wong, and C.T. Sun. Evaluating Real Time Strategy Game Player Experiences and Playing Styles, in International Conference of Computer-Human Interaction 2008 (CHI2008), Workshop Evaluating User Experiences in Games, Florence, Italy, 2008.
  19. J.L. Hsieh, C.H. Chen, I.W. Lin, and C.T. Sun. A Web-based Tagging Tool for Organizing Personal Documents on PCs, in International Conference of Computer-Human Interaction 2008 (CHI2008), Workshop Personal Information Management, Florence, Italy, 2008.
  20. C.Y. Huang, C.T. Sun, C.Y. Cheng, and Y.S. Tsai. Resource, Costs and Epidemic Critical Thresholds in Scale-Free Social Networks. In Proceedings of IEEE 7th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA’08), Chongging, China, pp. 1874-1879, 2008. (EI)
  21. C.Y. Huang, C.T. Sun, C.Y. Cheng, and Y.S. Tsai. Resource Limitations, Transmission Costs and Critical Thresholds in Scale-Free Networks. In Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS’08), Padgham, Parkes, Müller and Parsons (eds.), Estoril, Portugal, pp. 1121-1128, 2008.
  22. C.Y. Huang, C.Y. Cheng, and C.T. Sun. Resource and Remembering Influences on Acquaintance Networks, in Proceedings of International Symposium on Agent and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Applications (KES’08), Inha, Korea, 2008.
  23. C.Y. Huang, C.Y. Cheng, and C.T. Sun. Resource Limitations, Transmission Costs and Critical Thresholds in Scale-Free Networks, in Proceedings of International Symposium on Agent and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Applications (KES’08), Inha, Korea, 2008.
  24. H, Lin, and C.T. Sun. Cash Trade Within the Magic Circle: Free-to-Play Game Challenges and Massively Multiplayer Online Game Player Responses. Paper presented on the Digital Games Research Conference, Tokyo, Japan, September, 2007.[全文下載]
  25. C.T. Sun, J.L. Hsieh, C.H. Chen, and H, Lin. Comparing Taiwanese and American WoW Player Culture in Terms of Achievement. Paper presented on the Digital Games Research Conference, Tokyo, Japan, September, 2007.[全文下載]
  26. C.Y. Cheng, C.Y. Huang, and C.T. Sun. Combining Motifs and Small-World Properties to Explore Complex Networks in Local and Global Views, in Proceedings of the 2007 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (WORLDCOMP’07), pp. 842-845, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2007.
  27. C.Y. Huang, C.Y. Cheng, and C.T. Sun. Mining Bridge and Brick Network Motifs, In Proceedings of International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining (MLDM’07), pp. 134-143, Leipzig, Germany, 2007.
  28. C.Y. Huang, J.L. Hsieh, C.T. Sun, and F.M. Shih. Mining Domain Ontological Information from Online Publications. In Proceedings of The 6thd WSEAS International Conference on E-Activities (E-ACTIVITIES’07), Puerto De La Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, pp. 153-158, 2007. (EI)
  29. Y.H. Weng, C.H. Chen, and C.T. Sun. The Legal Crisis of Next Generation Robots: On Safety Intelligence. Paper presented on The Eleventh International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL’07). Stanford Law School, Palo Alto, California, USA. ISBN 978-1-59593-680-6. Jun. 2007.
  30. C.T. Sun, J.L. Hsieh, and C.Y. Huang. Using Evolving Agents to Critique Subjective Music Compositions. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS’06), Guangzhou, China, pp. 474-480. 2006. (EI)
  31. J.L. Hsieh, C.T. Sun, and C.Y .Huang. Implementing CASMIM for Epidemic Simulations. In Proceedings of the First World Congress on Social Simulation (WCSS’06), Kyoto, Japan, pp. 297-304. 2006. (Student Contest Paper)
  32. J.L. Hsieh, C.Y. Huang, and C.T. Sun. Using Evolving Agents to Critique Subjective Data: Recommending Music. In Proceedings of IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC’06), Vancouver, BC, Canada, pp. 406-413. 2006. (EI)
  33. C.Y. Huang, J.L. Hsieh, C.T. Sun, and C.Y. Cheng. Teaching Epidemic Simulation and Policy-Making to Novice Researchers. In Proceedings of International Conference on Automatic Control, Modeling and Simulation (ACMOS’06), Prague, Czech Republic, pp. 393-398, 2006. (EI)
  34. C.Y. Cheng, C.Y. Huang, C.T. Sun, and J.L. Hsieh. Bridge and Brick Network Motifs. In Proceedings of IEEE World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA’06), Dalian, China, pp. 1222-1226. 2006 (EI)
  35. H. Lin and C.T. Sun, Boundary Crossing in Online Gaming Communities: Phenomenon and Anxiety, paper presented on the e-Society Conference, Dublin, Ireland, July, 2006.
  36. C.Y. Huang and C.T. Sun, Mining Domain Ontological Information from Online Publications, paper presented on the e-Society Conference, Dublin, Ireland, July, 2006.
  37. G.Y.M. Kao, C.T. Sun, & S.S.J. Lin. A heterogeneous agent model for distributed constructionism. In G. Richards (Ed.), Proceedings of world conference on E-Learning in corporate, government, healthcare, and higher Education 2005, pp. 1353-1356, Chesapeake, VA: AACE, 2005.
  38. H. Lin and C.T. Sun, “The ‘White-Eyed’ Player Culture: Grief Play and Construction of Deviance in MMORPGs,” paper presented on the Digital Games Research Conference, Vancouver, Canada, June, 2005.  Also in Suzanne de Castell and Jennifer Jenson (eds.), Changing Views: Worlds in Play—Selected papers of the 2005 Digital Games Research Association’s Second International Conference, pp. 91~100, published by DiGRA, Digital Games Research Association.[全文下載]
  39. H. Lin and C.T. Sun“Sharing Game Tips with Strangers? Exploiting Gift Culture in Computer Gaming.” Presented at 5th East Asian Science, Technology, and Social Studies (STS) Conference, University of Seoul, Korea, 2004.[全文下載]
  40. J.L. Hsieh, C.Y. Huang, C.T. Sun and Y.M.A. Chen, “Using the CAMIM Small-World Epidemic Model to Analyze Public Health Policies,” Proceedings of Western Multiconference, New Orleans, pp. 63-69, 2004.
  41. H.C. Lin, C.Y. Huang, and C.T. Sun, “Influence of Local Information on Social Simulations under the Small-World Model,” Proceedings of IEEE Cyber Worlds, Tokyo, Japan, 2004.[全文下載]
  42. C.Y. Huang and C.T. Sun, “Parameter Adaptation Within Co-Adaptive Learning Classifier Systems,” In K. Deb (Ed.), Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO’04), Seattle, Washington, LNCS 3102, pp. 774-784, June, 2004.
  43. C.Y. Huang, C.F. Chen and C.T. Sun, “Self-Adaptive Routing Based on Learning Classifier Systems,” IEEE World Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pp. 678-682, Protland, USA, June, 2004.
  44. C.Y. Huang and C.T. Sun, “A Co-Adaptive Learning Classifier System based on Coevolution within Dyna Architecture,” IEEE World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, pp. 2179-2183, Hangzhou, China, June, 2004.
  45. C.Y. Huang, C.T. Sun, C.H. Yu and C.F. Chen, “A Self-Adaptive Routing Method based on Learning Classifier Systems,” IEEE World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, pp. 417-421, Hangzhou, China, June, 2004.
  46. C.H. Yu, C.Y. Huang and C.T. Sun, “A Study of Using Automatic Text Indexing to Analyze Web Browsing Behavior,” IEEE World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, pp. 3991-3995, Hangzhou, China, June, 2004.
  47. Y.W. Chu and C.T. Sun, “Regularity of Secondary Protein Structure: A Genetic Algorithm Approach,” IEEE World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Hangzhou, China, June, 2004.
  48. C.T. Sun, H. Lin and C.H. Ho, “Game Tips as Gifts: Social Interactions and Rational Calculations in Computer Gaming,” Digital Games Research Conference, Utrecht, The Netherlands, November, 2003. (NSC92-2520-S-009-001)[全文下載]
  49. H. Lin, C.T. Sun and H.H. Tinn, “Exploring Clan Culture: Social Enclaves and Cooperation in Online Gaming,” Digital Games Research Conference, Utrecht, The Netherlands, November, 2003. (NSC92-2520-S-009-002)[全文下載]
  50. C.T. Sun and S.S.J. Lin, “Learning through Collaborative Design: A Learning Strategy on the Internet,” Frontiers in Education Conference, Reno, Nevada, USA, October, 2001. (NSC88-2520-S-009-002)
  51. Y.S. Yeh, C.T. Sun and C.H. Hsu, “Evolutionary Computing in Differential Attack for Seven Round DES,” Eleventh National Conference on Information Security, Tainan, Taiwan, May, 2001.
  52. C.T. Sun, “An Environment for Learning through Hypertext Construction,” International Conference on Computers in Education/International Conference on Computer Assisted Instruction (ICCE/ICCAI 2000), Taipei, Taiwan, November, 2000. (NSC87-2511-S-009-004-ICL)[全文下載]
  53. S.S.J. Lin and C.T. Sun, “ Team-Forming Recommendation for Web-based Cooperative Learning: The Learning Effect and Partner Preference,” 2000 annual meeting of National Association for Research on Science and Teaching, New Orleans, USA, April, 2000. (NSC89-2511-S-009-007)
  54. S.S.J. Lin and C.T. Sun, “ The Learning Effects of Web-based Peer Assessment for Various Thinking Styles Students,” 2000 AERA annual meeting, 2000. (NSC89-2511-S-009-007)
  55. Y.H. Liao and C.T. Sun, “GAT: A Genetic Algorithms Toolkit,” International Computer Symposium, 2000.
  56. Y.H. Liao and C.T. Sun, “Multi-Strategy Parallel Genetic Algorithms Based Stock Investment and Performance Analysis,” International ICSC Congress on Computational Intelligence: Methods and Applications, Rochester, USA, June, 1999.
  57. Y.H. Liao and C.T. Sun, “Fuzzy Multistage Parallel Genetic Algorithms and Performance Analysis,” Eighth International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress, Taipei, Taiwan, August, 1999.
  58. C.T. Sun and J.D. Wei, “A Neural Network for Modeling Systems with Hysteresis,” IEEE International Conference on System, Man, and Cybernetics, invited paper, Orlando, USA, Oct. 1997.
  59. C.T. Sun and Y.W. Chu, “Hysteresis Behavior in Fuzzy Perception: A Preliminary Experiment,” Second International ICSC Symposium on Intelligent Industrial Automation and Soft Computing, Nimes, France, Sep. 1997.
  60. C.T. Sun, “Hypermedia Courseware Structure Analysis,” Proceedings of the 1997 International Conference on Computer Systems Technology for Industrial Applications—Internet and Multimedia, pp. 152-157, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 1997.
  61. J.D. Wei and C.T. Sun, “A Neural Network Model of Hysteresis,” Proceedings of the 1996 Asian Fuzzy Systems Symposium, pp. 412-417, Kenting, Taiwan, 1996.
  62. C.T. Sun and Ming-Da Wu, “Fuzzy Multi-Staged Genetic Algorithm in Stock Investment Decision,” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Soft Computing (IIZUKA’96), Fukuoka, Japan, 1996.
  63. C.T. Sun, “Design and Development of the CORAL System,” Proceedings of the ED-MEDIA/ED-TELECOM’96, Boston, USA, 1996.
  64. C.T. Sun and B.K. Lin, “An Algorithmic Analytical Model for Educational Hypermedia,” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Assisted Instruction, pp. 249-256, Taipei, Taiwan, 1996.
  65. C.T. Sun and T.S. Wang, “Navigation Guidance in Educational Hypermedia,” Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Assisted Instruction, pp. 264-271, Taipei, Taiwan, 1996.
  66. S.M. Yang, C.T. Sun and C.H. Hsu, “Energy, Matter, and Entropy in Evolutionary Computation,” Proceedings of the IEEE 3rd International Conference on Evolutionary Computing (ICEC’96), pp. 196-200, Nagoya, Japan, 1996.
  67. C.T. Sun and M.D. Wu, “Self-Adaptive Genetic Algorithm Learning in Game Playing,” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computing (ICEC’95), on CD-ROM, Perth, Australia, 1995.
  68. C.T. Sun and C.T. Lee, “Lamarckian Enhancement for Fuzzy Neural Networks,” Proceedings of the International Joint Conference of CFSA/IFIS/SOFT’95 on Fuzzy Theory and Applications, pp. 133-138, Taipei, Taiwan, 1995.
  69. C.T. Sun, Y.T. Ching and F.X. Lin, “Modeling Hypermedia Navigation: An AI Approach,” Proceedings of the 7th World Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AI-ED’95), pp. 365-372, Washington, USA, 1995.
  70. C.T. Sun, Y.T. Ching, F.X. Lin, and C.C. Lin, “Hypermedia Browsing Pattern Analysis,” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Assisted Instruction, pp. S9-14 to S9-19, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 1995.
  71. C.T. Sun and M.D. Wu, “Multi-Stage Genetic Algorithm Learning in Game Playing,” Proceedings of the International Joint Conference of NAFIPS/IFIS/NASA’94, pp. 223-227, San Antonio, USA, 1994.
  72. C.T. Sun, T.Y. Shuai and G.L. Dai, “Using Fuzzy Filters as Feature Detectors,” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pp. 406-410, Orlando, USA, 1994.[全文下載]
  73. C.T. Sun, Y.H. Liao, J.Y. Lu, and F.M. Zheng, “Genetic Algorithm Learning in Game Playing with Multiple Coaches,” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, pp. 239-243, Orlando, USA, 1994.[全文下載]
  74. C.T. Sun, J.S. Jang and C.Y. Fu, “Neural Network Analysis of Plasma Spectra,” Proceedings of the 1993 International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, pp. 968-972, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1993.
  75. C.T. Sun and J.S. Jang, “A Neuro-Fuzzy Classifier and Its Applications,” Proceedings of the Second IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pp. 94-98, San Francisco, USA, 1993.
  76. J.S. Jang and C.T. Sun, “Predicting Chaotic Time Series with Fuzzy If-Then Rules,” Proceedings of the Second IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pp. 1079-1084, San Francisco, USA, 1993.
  77. C.T. Sun, “Using Genetic Algorithms in Structuring a Fuzzy Rulebase,” Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Genetic Algorithms, 1993.
  78. C.T. Sun and J.S. Jang, “Adaptive Network Based Fuzzy Classification,” Proceedings of the 1992 Japan-USA Symposium on Flexible Automation, 1992.
  79. C.T. Sun and J.S. Jang, “Fuzzy Modeling Based on Generalized Neural Networks and Fuzzy Clustering Objective Functions,” Proceedings of the 30th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1991.
  80. C.T. Sun, “Interpolative Reasoning in Distributed Intelligent Systems Based on Fuzzy Sets and Neural Nets,” Proceedings of the IFAC Symposium on Distributed Systems, 1991.
  81. C.T. Sun, “Dynamic Compensatory Pattern Matching in a Fuzzy Rule-Based Control System,” Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 1991.
  82. C.T. Sun, “An Information Retrieval Model for Coordination Systems Based on Fuzzy Proximity Networks,” Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 1990.[全文下載]
  83. 高宜敏、曹文力、孫春在 (2008)。在遊戲情境中以沉浸經驗探討玩興對創造力的影響。論文發表於政治大學主辦2008創造力教育國際學術研討會。
  84. 林鶴玲、孫春在。 在遊戲中縮小數位落差–線上遊戲與數位素養的提升。數位典藏公眾近用與授權使用研討會,國科會數位典藏國家型科技計畫主辦。2007。
  85. 孫春在,史馥銘,黃崇源。從線上論文中擷取領域本體資訊。海峽二岸圖書館服務發展與創新高層論壇,北京,中國。2005。
  86. 孫春在、林明達。全球資訊網上線上評鑑系統之設計(邀稿)。跨世紀資訊科技研討會。1998。
  87. 吳卓諭、孫春在。 裁判式學習。 第六屆國際電腦輔助教學研討會論文集。第416-421頁。1997。
  88. 孫春在。 遠距合作學習的現況與展望(邀稿)。 視聽教育新科技國際研討會。1996。
  89. 孫春在。 網際網路上遠距合作學習環境的現況與展望(邀稿)。 多元媒體組合教材與遠距教學研討會。1996。

五、 專利(Patents)

  1. Chuen-Tsai Sun, Jyh-Shing Jang, and Chi-Yung Fu, Intelligent System for Automatic Feature Detection and Selection or Identification, US Patent No. 5664066, USA.